The Vision of the United States Full Gospel Mission

  • Reaching the Nations through the Preaching of the Full and True Gospel Message; by the Power of the Holy Spirit
  • Planting New Churches
  • Leading Christians to Spiritual Maturity
  • Preparing them for the Return of the LORD

US FULL GOSPEL MISSION exists to contribute as follows to society:


1. Establish and maintain TRUE worship of the Almighty God, nurture people with a deep commitment to our heavenly Father and Lord, Jesus Christ.
2. Ensure the propagation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit, according to Matthew 28:18-20 and Acts 1:8, by all possible means and to plant New Testament

Churches at all corners of the United States of America and beyond.
3. Preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ with the aim of touching human hearts, transforming lives, ensuring true fellowship, cultivating honesty, humility, courtesy, and confidentiality among members who (by the grace of our Lord) become conformed to the image of Jesus Christ.
4. Help its members find God’s abundant grace and provision for their lives by exposure to the totality of God’s TRUTH as spelt out in the 66 books of the Holy Bible.
5. Help the needy in society by way of prayer, establishing orphanages and/or food pantries and other facilities to aid the underprivileged and victims of illnesses like HIV AIDS and Cancer.